Category Archives: scams

Bourne’s Got Nothing on Me

VOICE: Hello, FBI.
ME: Hi, um, I seem to have gotten involved in an international money laundering scheme …
VOICE: Please hold.


VOICE #2: Hello, FBI.
ME: Hi — I seem to have gotten involved in an international money laundering scheme …
VOICE #2: Please hold.


VOICE #3: Hello, FBI.
ME: Hi — I seem to have gotten involved in an international money laundering scheme …
VOICE #3: Ah yes. Email or Craigslist?
ME: Craigslist. I answered an ad requesting a tutor for a six year old girl and the next thing I knew I was getting a check via Fed Ex for $3,200.00.
VOICE #3: And you’re supposed to wire that money to a third party?
ME: Yes, sir.
VOICE #3: Yup, this is an international money laundering scheme run by Nigerians.
ME: I knew it! Or I hoped it was Somali pirates.
VOICE #3: Yeah, they’re still mostly boat-focused.
ME: That makes sense.

On the FBI agent’s advice, I had to inform all the credit bureaus to flag my account in case some international con artist tries to steal my identity from abroad and I had to put the whole story in writing on an internet fraud website. When I was done, it offered me a link to the helpful site in order to make me feel even stupider than I already did.

At least I didn’t lose any money. And hey, not everyone has a $3,200 check sitting on their desk, albeit one that they can’t cash.

Aside from dealing with the feds, I’ve landed two PT blogging gigs, applied to a gazillion more positions, checked out several apartments, speed-read Monsters of Templeton and Free Food for Millionaires, books about other over-educated twenty-somethings who don’t know what to do with their lives, and attended a rousing session of Powerpoint Karaoke. I’ve also had two mini-breakdowns and a migraine. Come on, 2009. Enough playing around. Let’s let the good times roll, shall we?