Bourne’s Got Nothing on Me

VOICE: Hello, FBI.
ME: Hi, um, I seem to have gotten involved in an international money laundering scheme …
VOICE: Please hold.


VOICE #2: Hello, FBI.
ME: Hi — I seem to have gotten involved in an international money laundering scheme …
VOICE #2: Please hold.


VOICE #3: Hello, FBI.
ME: Hi — I seem to have gotten involved in an international money laundering scheme …
VOICE #3: Ah yes. Email or Craigslist?
ME: Craigslist. I answered an ad requesting a tutor for a six year old girl and the next thing I knew I was getting a check via Fed Ex for $3,200.00.
VOICE #3: And you’re supposed to wire that money to a third party?
ME: Yes, sir.
VOICE #3: Yup, this is an international money laundering scheme run by Nigerians.
ME: I knew it! Or I hoped it was Somali pirates.
VOICE #3: Yeah, they’re still mostly boat-focused.
ME: That makes sense.

On the FBI agent’s advice, I had to inform all the credit bureaus to flag my account in case some international con artist tries to steal my identity from abroad and I had to put the whole story in writing on an internet fraud website. When I was done, it offered me a link to the helpful site in order to make me feel even stupider than I already did.

At least I didn’t lose any money. And hey, not everyone has a $3,200 check sitting on their desk, albeit one that they can’t cash.

Aside from dealing with the feds, I’ve landed two PT blogging gigs, applied to a gazillion more positions, checked out several apartments, speed-read Monsters of Templeton and Free Food for Millionaires, books about other over-educated twenty-somethings who don’t know what to do with their lives, and attended a rousing session of Powerpoint Karaoke. I’ve also had two mini-breakdowns and a migraine. Come on, 2009. Enough playing around. Let’s let the good times roll, shall we?

5 thoughts on “Bourne’s Got Nothing on Me”

  1. congratulations! this is my favorite thing on the internet right now.

    when do we hear about your skills in parkour, surveillance, and sniper rifelry?

  2. why do I need to lie when the actual things that happen in life are so absurd? I think the agent was being tongue-in-cheek but yes, that was his response.

    i’m still working on my parkour and house-buying skills, and on containing all breakdowns to mini-breakdowns. thank you all for your support.

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