Day 1 of Unemployment: Part 2

12:30: Friend calls, asks if it’d be okay to drop by. Pause Harry Potter to put on a bra. Remain in pajamas.

1:30 – 3:00: General misery & ill fortune.

3:05: Decide to go to the Coop. Get dressed.

3:10: Doorbell rings! It’s the landlord dropping by to tell us that the people who bought our building may indeed want to take our apartment when our lease runs out at the end of March. We could take the 3rd floor apartment, though! Luckily it’s astronomically expensive, or I’d have to feel like maybe my luck is turning.

3:30: At the Coop playing bumper carts with the thousands of other shoppers. Who are all these people at liberty on a Monday afternoon?

3:35: Rebecca!

4:30: Rebecca and I walk back to my apartment with our groceries. I rant about my general misery and ill fortune and their potential alleviations, leading to the following exchange:

ME: Wouldn’t it be great if I never had to go back to work because I had to go on book tour? Be on the “Today” show? Of course, I wouldn’t actually want to go on the “Today” show. They’d probably make me lose weight.

REBECCA: No, I think everyone’s more tolerant of writers being weird looking.

ME: Are you calling me WEIRD LOOKING?

REBECCA: What? No! No! You’re beautiful! You’re the one who said you’d need to lose weight!

ME: And you’re the one who called me WEIRD LOOKING!

I can only hope that at some point this day will end.

5 thoughts on “Day 1 of Unemployment: Part 2”

  1. Oh my god, this is so not what happened!! But my computer broke and I’m typing this on my phone, so I can’t detail my version here at the moment.

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