RIP Paul L. Bloom (1939-2009)

After about forty hours in hospice watching my father die, I am thoroughly and otherwise exhausted. Later I will have more to say about the experience, which was basically a plane crash; but one whose impact was softened by the tangible love of family and friends.

For now, I leave you with a letter to the editor from the NYT in 1981, written by a complete stranger, entitled “God Bless Mr. Bloom!”:

To the Editor:

Paul Bloom’s grand exit from his job as special counsel to the Energy Department in the Carter Administration prods our uncomfortable acceptance of 10-figure oil profits. The mind has almost gotten used to corporate gains in the billions, oil sheiks fresh out of ideas about what to do with their money, petroleum executives living on such a grand scale that it makes the palaces of Pharoah look like the South Bronx.

But not Mr. Bloom’s mind. No weak resignation for him. In one glorious parting act, he distributed $4 million (a mere frivolity by measure of fossil-fuel accounts) to four charities with the promise that all would be spent helping the poor warm their bones at oil burners too expensive for them to run.

Mr. Bloom’s imagination hasn’t failed him or his heart. Yet even more, his wild act of charity reminds us of that line from ”Man of La Mancha,” which Mr. Bloom seems to have taken to heart: ”Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.”

God bless Mr. Bloom! ROBERT H. POPE, Pastor, Pascack Reformed Church, Park Ridge, N.J., Feb. 14, 1981

Mr. Pope, wherever you are, if you’re still there please feel free to come to my father’s funeral, Monday, October 12th, at 10:00 AM in DC. We will save you a seat in the front row.

3 thoughts on “RIP Paul L. Bloom (1939-2009)”

  1. Dear Ester,

    My heart felt condolences to you on the loss of your father. He was the most intelligent, best read and most generous person I’ve ever known. I enjoyed my conversations with him and read books he recommended. He radiated a sense of reassurance. I will miss him.

    Kind regards,

    Scott Bartner
    Maastricht/ The Netherlands

  2. Ester,
    I am so sorry to hear about your father. There is no way this time cannot be deeply painful, but I hope you can take comfort in those around you and know that some day you will again feel like your heart is not breaking.
    I will think of you.

  3. Great info, We posted a link to it. Thanks for pulling this together and sharing! I hope you can take comfort in those around you…

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