A Good Year

dancey dancey
Originally uploaded by shorterstory.

Instead of doing work, I’m reading archives, since work right now makes me cranky and archives make me agreeably nostalgic.

One year and sixteen days ago, Mr. Ben studies — hilariously — for the Bar.

One year and five days ago, I reflect, “I’ve had over a year to get used to the idea of being a “wife.” I’m not quite there yet. I am more comfortable with the idea of being a “bride,” anyway, but that’s largely because my mother has made it easy on me. And now the wedding is in five days. FIVE DAYS!”

And one year ago, a woman on the street gives me a pre-celebration blessing: “‘My GAWD,’ she twanged, hand over heart, ‘you look so beautiful! You look just like I did before MY first marriage!'”

Here is the wedding entry. Thanks to mystical good fortune, I am as happy now as I was then, although I am still not yet okay with the idea of being a “wife.” Perhaps I can just be a Newlywed for a really long time.

Happy One Year, baby.

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