more feminist leadership training today. i’m all for it, but i realized that i’m not as cut out for the whole thing as some of the other girls are. the majority of the interns in this program are driven, mini-businesswomen or politicians: i can envision them on sunday morning talk-show panels and arguing before the senate. they have passion, they have self-assurance, they’re smart, they’re attractive in that conventional made-up stylish way.

at any rate, this is a unique experience for me. next thursday, my bday, my group is meeting w/ arlen spector and rick santorum and trying to convince them of the virtues of health care equity in the marketplace, making arguments like if insurance companies cover birth control, more women will have access to it and that will result in fewer unwanted pregnancies and fewer terminations thereof [can’t use the “a word”]. so really, it’s all about family values, not to mention to ultimate financial well-being of the community. [*cough*bullshit*cough*] some statistics: for every dollar the insurance companies pay towards contraception, they and the general community saves $4 – 14 in subsequent costs (dealing w/ the pregnancy, birth, and raising of the child.)

the truth is, men’s prescription drugs are covered and it’s ridiculous that women — who earn 75 cents for every dollar a man makes anyway — have to pay 68% more out of pocket for something as simple as the pill. goddamned puritan sanctimonious prissy country

after the program, i met nomi ilana and jamie for lunch at CA tortilla, where i’d never been. no carry-over hostility. nomi’s leaving this evening to eventually get to memphis and yoni (“i’m jealous.” “why? you always wanted to go memphis?”) annie’s leaving this weekend too, planning to try her hand at nyc karaoke. more power to her! maybe baltimore for the rest of us; probably small gathering w/ movies tonite. i’m way behind in my watching.

(side note to #32, if you’re reading this: damn i miss you. damn. i miss you.)

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