funny shit, yo. all right, it has been brought to my attention that i “indescriminately” male-bash. SO, because (a) i would hate to give that impression, and (b) i’m in a better mood now, having (1) slept a little, (2) showered, (3) had people over who hung out, were amusing company, and then left before i started looking meaningfully at my watch, i should do something positive.

like pay tribute to the many many males in my life who are wonderful people or have been wonderful to me in the past; males who would never yell at a woman out the window of their car much less ignore it if they were standing next to a woman being harassed.

so here’s to the boys who have:

* driven me when i didn’t have a ride;

* taken me to orioles’ games;

* taught me to play pool;

* made me laugh;

* inspired poetry;

* read my poetry;

* critiqued my poetry;

* introduced me to new music;

* made me paper flowers;

* kissed my hand;

* taken me seriously;

* asked me questions;

* told me stories while we worked together, wiping tables and slicing melons in the kitchen on kibbutz;

* made me fall in love w/ them (him.)

thank you.

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