All posts by ester

hallo world. i have “uncle fucker” from southpark stuck in my head b/c cindy was playing it upstairs.

this morning started w/ a scare. the phone rang about 9:35 while dad walked sheba to the corner and i was checking email before i left for work. i didn’t answer it, figuring it would be for dad and he would get the message from the machine. as it turned out, the message was from my mother, crying and incoherent: all we could make out was something about g.w., our hospital.

we grabbed our stuff and rushed down there, calling as we went the admissions desk, the emergency room, anyplace that might have record of her. nothing. we couldn’t find her when we got down there and walked from building to building, either. eventually we got thru to her office where her boss richard filled us in: she had had a procedure that she hadn’t wanted to tell us about and it went much worse than expected so she headed home. a call from her a minute or two later confirmed the fact. she had called us from the metro station asking for a ride. relieved, my father and i got back in the car and he dropped me off at the office on his way home to see her.

couldn’t help but feel slightly responsible, as all i had to do was answer the damn phone and the message would have come thru un-garbled. ah well. at least she’s okay.

yesterday, perhaps out of guilt for recently choosing films over books, i eschewed my remaining videos to read My Year of Meats, a very vegetarian novel that disturbed me and made me think a lot about why i chose that route. the change in the means of artistic escapism did not affect my manners: i was just as impatient w/ the people who dared called and disturb me as i am when my movie-watching is interrupted. luckily people (under)stand me.

hung out w/ becca, went foodshopping and drove her home. refreshing as we barely spoke last week.

god damn it. i had a whole beautiful entry written, then just when i pressed post someone called, knocking me off the internet and wiping the thing clean. grrr …

well, to reconstruct: i’m now listening to the bootleg ani cd jamie got me — ah, loveliness: “swandive” “both hands” “two little girls” “independence day” “up up up” and “cradle and all”, among others. she presented it to me at the ceremony last nite at annie’s party which also featured an anti-aging package from jay and then three themed gifts that escalated in their just shocking inappropriateness: the kama sutra from ilana, a blow-up doll from annie, and lastly the apex of such things. i didn’t even have to open the box (from liz) to know what it was. shocking, shocking, shocking. by that point i was almost weeping w/ laughter. … i adore my friends.

matthew stark and r. block had come by earlier and they stayed for a while. almost immediately ruby removed his shirt. but they didn’t partake of the queen mary goodness annie provided — taught ilana to inhale! — and they left around midnite. we were thoroughly toasted by that point and stuffed w/ frosting and liz’s cookie-cake — we went to the living room to make like potted plants for a while. i started describing a scene from a book that annie didn’t want to hear about b/c it involved cruelty to animals so i compromised by spelling out the offensive verb in sign-language. “K-I-L-L-E-D,” said ilana: “kill Ed? why? who’s ed?”

“killed, love,” i said, and then she joined us rolling on the floor laughing.

then we hottubbed, then slept, then woke to make/eat blueberry pancakes and disperse. missed tamar and nomi. they never made it over b/c tamar, who’s parentless at the moment, stalled on norbeck. jamie’s dad eventually had to help her.

the other mini-tragedy of the evening occurred when ilana’s glasses were sacrificed to the party gods at the paws of annie’s spawn-of-satan golden lab, lulu. well, better ilana’s glasses than ilana. all in all, ’twas a successful gathering. ari and becca, i think, both return tonite. and wow i wonder if ross is in san francisco by now. (hallo, ross, if you’re reading this.) didn’t get a chance to talk to him afore he left. well, enjoy. i did.

estrogen-sprung tears aside (i cried thru sherman alexie’s “comedy” smoke signals and then again when the mail came [“no diet coke needed”: perhaps — but it makes a damn good comfort food]) i’ve been much happier and more relaxed. my father got home yesterday, driving over to pick me up from liz’s where i was having shabbes dinner w/ her and ilana. much of the afternoon time, we spent in the kitchen as liz cooked and cooked and ilana sorrowfully recited umd’s shortcomings. difficult to gauge what exactly to say. create best combination of encouragement, looking-on-the-bright-side, you’ll-be-happy-anywhere w/ Fiske reccomendations? racking my once-glutted mental college directory: have you thought about middlebury? she loves vermont (tho she’s never been …) bates was founded by abolitionists … or what about haverford? maybe that’s me being selfish. that way i’d get her, becca (penn), and ben (u. of a. ) all w/in half an hour’s distance.

doesn’t matter what i say anyway; she’s unhappy and she will be until she shakes it off. i have to stop pretending i can fix anything just by brainstorming the perfect thing to say.

after dinner, to which stacey came too, liz’s parents accompanied us to the living room to watch a movie. that’s their ritual after a long week: wine, laundry folding, and video. i screwed up of course having brought over neil jordan’s the butcher boy, which, tho critically lauded, i hadn’t realized is the darkest of dark comedies. strike one for good judgement. liz and i liked it anyway. or i think liz liked it … hard when the surrounding audience keeps commenting how long/violent/incomprehensible/unwatchable it is.

and despite everything i’m serene? i guess it doesn’t make too much sense. still, i am. hopefully can make it to falconridge. i went a couple summers ago while at barnard w/ my then-roomie CA girl christine and much fun was had.

party tonite — hopefully — at annie’s. then zoo sunday, perhaps. haven’t been there in ages and yesterday i was struck by a craving. love the zoo.

listening to ancient, haunting folk music via my aunt. naturally i consulted amazon and only upon finding that both albums had 5-star ratings and glowing costumer reviews did i break open the plastic. i’m such a dip.

last nite around 12 i decided i needed the sleep, which i never get somehow either on weekends or during the week, so i would forsake wifp for a day. immediately after i made the mother-sanctioned decision, ben and liz called: “where were you? we were trying to get you all evening!” i excused myself, citing class and becca and johnny’s visit thereafter; they waved that off. “we’re coming over,” they said. “now?” i said. “now,” they said.

who could argue?

i threw on clothes and slipped out of the house as soon as i saw ben’s new white pickup (!!), clutching my bag like a runaway.

we didn’t do anything crazy; i kept insisting i had to get back soon to go to sleep (see previous self-analysis). we went to liz’s porch and sat and talked. we’re an interesting combination, we three. liz is my oldest female friend and ben is my oldest male friend. i’ve been thru a lot w/ them, individually and as a unit. the three of us, along w/ jay and lisa, back in the day, used to cast circles. religious rebellion, yeah; regular rebellion; but mostly an excuse to bond.

they returned me home safely around 2 and i promptly went to sleep.

i was glad of the thing, tho: i hadn’t done much bday related stuff yesterday. other activities filled my schedule: running around the hill, first to deliver handbooks to rep.s, then to meet w/ santorum’s and spector’s L.A.s. the latter, despite his junior-senator status, has a much fancier and more formal office; coincidentally, he’s a much more hardcore (read: hellbound) republican. spector actually has a decent record on women’s issues and he’s co-sposoring one of the bills we were lobbying for.

after that craziness, and catered chinese lunch, i went over to visit mom and read tom jones on a park bench for a while (wisdom therefrom: “… men of true wisdom and goodness are contented to take persons and things as they are, without complaining of their imperfections or attempting to amend them. They can see fault in a friend, a relation, or an aquaintance, without even mentioning it to the partiest themselves, or to any others; and this often without lessening their affection. … There is, perhaps, no surer mark of folly than an attempt to correct the natural infirmities of those we love.”)

Then i caught a 4:20 show of princess and the warrior. that last left me dazed. i love when films affect me physically, when their residue is impossible to shake off.

judah presented me w/ his and adam’s present: state and main and rhps on dvd. very sweet. and i got phone calls and/or emails from my boatloads of friends and well-wishers. so thanks, everybody: i feel more-than-adequately loved, natural infirmities’n’all.

i’m a fool. as it turns out, my piece isn’t due tomorrow after all. that means i raced home for nothing; didn’t contact becca tho she was nearby; worked myself into a near-frenzy wonderful what on earth i was going to write about … 🙂

(i found this out via johnny of course: desperado1926: have you not read the 201823740812374 e-mails sent?

ishtar42: not read, per se …)

whoa silliness. anyway. i’m calm. tomorrow i lobby. tomorrow i’ll be 19, same as the cereal, same as the day. my aunt sent me revolver, as well as two cds of singer-songwriters she remembers from her own folk-lovin’ hayday and a book on dylan that purports to explain the meaning behind each song. really sweet of her: i have the feeling she’s reliving her youth thru me. hey, man, whatever works.

my last day of being 18 had — like every family has — its ups and downs. … i just got off the phone w/ ilana talking some stuff thru. hopefully having discussed the issue will help make it go away.

and spending time w/ tamar tonite was wonderful.

the interns and martha threw me a little suprise party at work today. that was really sweet too. really, i just need to resist being moody and critical and over-sensitive and stop scratching my mosquito bites, and life will be dandy.

too tired to write much — only wanted to mention briefly that (1) my mother returned home late tonite while i was on the phone w/ tamar. i heard vague commotion but couldn’t place it. when i emerged from my room, i realized she was in hers, with the lights off. cautiously, deciding i had to risk it, i walked in. “are you okay?” i whispered. “yes,” said my mother. “i just had too much wine. and a martini!”

at which point i burst out laughing and more readily approached the bed. my silly mother was affirmatively tipsy, enuf so to repeat an off-color joke that of course i am much too ladylike to repeat here. she was also sober enuf that we could talk some — not about yesterday, of course; just about general stuff, sufficient to reassure me that she does not in fact hate me and that i could even go so far as to say perhaps that all is well.

also (2) tamar called me just when i had been thinking of calling her and asked me precisely what i had wanted to ask her: for a date. just the two of us, exploring the wonders of rockvellian cuisine. ah wavelengths.

(3) matthew stark bumped into condit today, or so he says: “literally.” (i refuse to engage in chandra gossip — suffice it to say, the woman is either pulling a sheinbein and in the holy land [jay’s notion], or pregnant in belize [ilana’s grandmother’s], or else hidden in a painting somewhere, a la roald dahl’s the witches.)

(4) t – 1 days, really, til my day. wow. i’ll be 19. …

my mother raised

three children

to be served

paranoid that any of us should

feel overburdened or have

anything done unwell �

which is to say, imperfectly � she did

it all herself: dishes, laundry;

and spent the sunny hours baking

in bad lighting, where petty

office battles and flourescence�s

endless quarrel with aluminum

raged. she wrote briefs

that wouldn�t let her rest, like

her mother-in-law whose mind

had phased back, over her eighty-six years of

midnites, to the lopsided, clumsily-

formed moon of childhood

Why not American rice? she�d

say petulantly evening after

evening when confronted noxiously

with cous cous. My mother strove

not to let impatience show while we children


my grandmother called me “pepi,”

the second name of an unknown aunt

who died young from, my normally unromantic

father tells me, a broken heart:

her husband made her choose between

her ailing, fragile mother,

and him: cruel man: whose heart

wouldn�t give way like a crab under

such a mallet? The subtle lesson

of this was, Don�t intermarry.

I got her name and my mother got

her burden: a mother-in-law

whose damp sighs clouded

the inside of the windows as she and her

dangling armflesh lumbered up and down

the stairs at night, calling “Marge?” Once in my bathroom

on the top floor, she collapsed

and lay like a de-shelled mollusk

on the white tile til the white ambulance came

and white men lifted her onto a white stretcher

and took her away

After that, the waning of her mind accelerated

like a wind-up toy my little brother propelled

toward a wall. She died in a hospital.

My mother never said a word

throughout and if my father grew impatient with

her later, I never doubted he loved her

for that. My mother who lay the

job she wanted, the helping-people job,

on the altar to help us instead

three pampered children who sighed

and bitched and poemed our way

through 13 years of expensive Jewish school

returning home to ask Dad questions

when we had them and inform soapy-

handed Mom what different rabbis

ruled was the proper way to clean.

She invariably listened and she still

feeds the dog first because in sixth grade,

I told her to. Taking advantage of her compulsion

for order, we carelessly left smears and piles

for her to rearrange: in explosions,

sometimes, she reminded us that this

was selfish, and we were contritely diligent

for a while.

she wanted us to be mannered, sociable,

attractive, and polite, but while I hid

from puberty�s invasion in tee-shirt tents,

she allowed me � even as I did

so (reading instead of running, remaining

stubbornly content in my circle

of familiar friends) she called me pretty;

wisely, she kept

her frustrations sheathed.

essentially, she gave me freedom

not leashing me with even modest obligations

to the house

where she whiled away nearly all

of her out-of-office time.

and when I got into my first choice

college, twenty-pounds lighter

between the shedding of weight and angst;

contact-ed, gelled, expressive, Express-ed;

she built a Mayan temple from

the surplus bumper-stickers she ordered

from the school store

but never once said “I told you

so.” I�ll be a mother someday � it�s possible,

even likely, but my generation wasn�t raised

to sacrifice like that; to bite our lips

and bide our time — I don�t know how I�ll handle

motherhood. hopefully better than daughterhood.

and hopefully my mother, a perfectionist

to the end, will instruct me: what rice to cook,

and for how long, and when.

oh hell. today had been going really well: actually doing work at work today made the day go by faster than usual — then i came home to find an envelope from africa. the contents were nearly unbelievable. the author, presently a member of the peace corps, told me in neat, curly cursive without a single blotted word or awkward sentence that she was a swat alum; since the skool continues to send her our paper, the phoenix, she read my review of amores perros (“love’s a bitch”). she complimented me (it) and said that she intended to rent the film at her first opportunity. flattering enuf. then she went on to say that she was the person who interviewed me oh-so-long-ago and that i stuck in her mind as one of her favorites, so she cheered for me when she saw me accepted and is even prouder now to see that i am happily bedded down in my swat-nest. “i know that swat can be stressful and unnerving at times,” she concluded, “but i just wanted you to know that you’ve had someone rooting for you all along, that you made an impression on someone along the way, and that your writing, even in the little old Phoenix, is reaching people in further corners of the globe than you probably ever imagined it would.”

isn’t that insane?

i was so thrilled i immediately called my mother.

good luck kept on coming: much better emails; hilary and jackie; plans w/ ilana and annie to go to franklyn’s for the poetry open mic. when we finally got down there (late, of course) the circle had long-since formed and become un-inclusive. we got a table to ourselves instead and chilled for a while, then made plans to score, rent a new batch of 7, and party at my house. all was blissfully, vanilla-y smooth.

we dashed to my house to check messages, thinking becca or tamar might’ve called, and instead found a furious message from my mother. i had left her a car in the appropriate place, only apparently the wrong one. ilana annie and i sped off toward friendship heights and passed her, walking — she waved us on, still fuming. everyone in my family has a tendency toward anger and i figured i deserved it: earler, i had burst out at ilana for something innocuous. karma, dude.

plans aborted. i went to the video store alone and rented another week’s worth, but was further dispirited to find that annie hall, harold and maude, and sophie’s choice had all mysteriously disappeared. would they ever be replaced? not likely, shrugged the cashier/manager.

how can you argue w/ someone who doesn’t care?

i came home and i’ve been tiptoeing around my mother since. shite, man. that’s all i have to say.

my horoscope said that today was my kind of day (and even added an exclamation point [!] for emphasis.) maybe it’s my rather suspicious nature, but i always get put off by that. in this case, rightly so. when i woke up, i felt distinctly non-social: despite intentions to round everyone up early to get an expedition together to go to adam’s morgan for lunch, i ate brunch at home, stayed in my pajamas, and meandered down to my living room to watch lola rennt. (dubbed, too, those bastards … )

then people showed up. it took us a while but we finally got our shit together and met jay at his place (where we chatted w/ his mom, who was our lower skool guidance counselor and of whom we all have fond memories.) then we walked. six trodden miles, one margarita, three salads, one chimichanga, 54,321 conversations about food and/or fitness, four recounted dreams, and (for my part) the same two bars of music hummed 67 times, we returned to jay’s, bid him farewell, and becca liz ilana and i made it wearily back to my house.

i think everyone’s estrogen level was completely out of whack. it must have been. once jamie and tamar appeared, we sat around my kitchen table like a group of goddamned matrons w/ mugs of tea and bowls of raisins and grapes and discussed moon cycles. no, actually, that part was fun. i don’t know why i didn’t enjoy what preceded it as fully. in any event, we watched fabulous lock, stock, and two smoking barrels. i adore movies that know that they’re movies — which is to say, the work of filmmakers who know that they have a unique medium and under no circumstances have to confine themselves to the simple or even the realistic.

i’m beginning to feel shitty again for being the only one who doesn’t run. bah.

poetry tomorrow. hopefully moodiness will have passed.

oh, the goodness of today was totally removed from the mediocrity that was last week (post mad tuesday loveliness.) friday nite things looked precarious: ilana, becca and i hung out but got into a mood to do something and found that there was nothing to do. went to the silver diner to check whether their midnite movie was worth watching. as it turned out, no. we lounged around in the parking lot for a while, shrugging off ideas; then ilana just returned to her house and becca and i came to mine where, w/o much ado, we went to sleep.

this morning, revitalized, we organized the trip to baltimore which ended up including rick, liz, and jay. the five of us smooshed into rick’s car and headed off to this festival. interestingly, as it was held in a fairly ethnic area, we mingled, sweated, and laughed at bad performance art w/ quite a mix of people: black locals and white touristy-looking folks, oldsters and youngish punks. after collecting all the free samples we could hold, both in stomach and in arms, we met up w/ jamie and decided to walk down to the inner harbor. we returned in time to see etta james (or, rather, liz and rick left; jamie and jay wove their way thru the crowd to get w/in viewing range; and becca and i found a farback seat and half-listened to the music while we discussed Marriage and Relationships.)

came back to my house, toyed w/ the idea of going out again, decided against it, and split amicably w/ promises to meet tomorrow for more walking and lunchtime margaritas as rewards. the whole thing successfully distracted me from yucky emails, unsatisfactory phone calls, and peer angst. everyone got along swimmingly: laughter is definitely social lube, and we all have a sense of humor in common. to top it off, i got home and talked to ben. yes, this long distance thing sucks, as do arguments w/o hugs at the end to diffuse the negativity. but i’m glad he’s there.