i am walking around the library barefoot. the mirror in the girls’ bathroom assured me that i look quite as frazzled as i feel. lovely weekends like this past one (haha, funny that it feels like it’s PAST even tho it’s still sunday afternoon) make me forget the imposing, coming week: then it all hits me all at once.


this, incidentally, is a spinoff of one of bunny’s methods, i.e.: reward thyself for every increment of work done. i just read 50 pages of polisci so — i get to babblebook. and what better to babblebook about than the lovely weekend?… so — ben and i went into philly to see ben (the other ben, my oldest male friend, whom we shall call PB for phillyben). our original destination, the gayborhood xandos was closed, so we went to Last Drop. the guys manning the bar were visibly distressed at the disappearance of my hot chocolate and fussed over the creation of a second, equally-special one. another guy, bald paunchy fifties tiny-mustache cute, approached PB to tell him he looked exactly like a guy from a movie, although, as he put it, “i don’t know what you look like without clothes.” the man seemed rather inclined to find out, and lingered to tell PB that he looked like PB does now when he was PB’s age.

after a while, PB took us to his new house on south street to show off his poetry, art, and paraphenalia. the atmosphere relaxed. it hadn’t been bad to begin w/, but at this point the two bens became actually friendly, or so it seemed. we had three-person discussions. it was very chill; we laughed a lot. no hostility. heaven.

leaving him made me upset, in conjunction w/ a few other people-related things and possibly fatigue. i got over it before too long with, you know, help.

didn’t see much of the barnies. ross’s band is performing tonite — i’m going to try to make it, altho i have stat review for our midterm tomorrow, Co|Motion meeting, a movie review to write for tuesday, a brink article for tomorrow, and a film midterm due wednesday to start. well. ross darling i’ll try.

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