The Right Relationship for the End Times

Last night, after Mr. Ben and I finished playing Dance Central and got into bed, I started thinking about all the things I appreciate about our relationship. (Like our video game system! No, just kidding. I mean real, substantive things.) Like …

We’re On the Same Page

When one of the various alarms in our apartment goes off at night, we have the mutual reaction: “Let’s take the batteries out and hope we don’t die in our sleep.”

We Speak The Same Language

Which is a bizarro, unintelligible one. A good portion of our daily conversation is made up of quotes from Clueless and Pulp Fiction. I’d hazard a guess that it is vital that if you go into an impromptu Massacre Theatre routine, your partner laughs rather than assumes you have gone cray-cray.

We Share Values

Like enjoying life in Brooklyn, and Tina Fey and Eddie Izzard and Margaret Cho, and gardens, and movies that are so funny they make you cry (in my case, at least).

Like the importance of both cooking and “cooking.”

Like religious observance. We’re both Jews, so neither of us is Rapture-ready for the morrow or, failing that, for when Jesus comes back in 2012.

We’re both skeptical of religion in general ways, yet we go together to shul on Saturday mornings. In fact, my actually-Rapture-ready friend Tara Leigh is coming with us tomorrow! As she mentioned on Twitter:


The point is, if the world ends tomorrow or next year, I’m glad I will be hand in hand with a really good guy who agrees that washing glasses really isn’t so necessary when it’s just the two of us drinking water from them most of the time.

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