rushmore arrived today as did a surprise gift from my aunt jane. i don’t remember under what circumstances we were discussing the thing but its title, something to do w/ “pettigrew,” is familiar. 4 packages in 4 days! i feel so special. i think i’ll forego checking my mailbox for the next week or so and just coast on the glory.
andandand despite doing as badly as i expected to on my stat II midterm II, i was STILL not in the bottom quarter of the class. yes! score! it’s okay to be dumb as long as you’re not the dumbest: that’s what i say.
yesterday’s congregation of sarah c., rob, ross and me over barton fink went well. wednesday nite’s shaping up to be lock, stock… nite in company of two of the triplets, topped w/ sunday’s taped episode of simpsons none of us has seen yet. i’m psyched. before i get there though i have to write my thing for the phoenix (assignment: rate something consumer-reports-wise. only about a thousand times better than “write a bad review of a show about which people are humorless and for which people will hate you”. god. i think i’m going to rate fun experiences w/ bizarre substances. out of what, though? hmm …)
saw ghostbusters last nite — i’m averaging about a movie a day. funny how both ross and rebecca had negative reactions to bill murray. well sure his character’s sexist — the movie is sexist. i refuse to think he himself is a bad guy. he strikes me as sad, and besides that he’s sarcastic and witty without really being mean and he has pretty eyes. how can anyone dislike bill murray? why does liking him make me conventional? that word has come up a lot recently. i keep saying people accuse me of being conventional; of course no one has outright, it’s a subtle thing. maybe it’s all in my head. at any rate, i make many exceptions for charming/funny people. i think they deserve more privileges and indulgence than others do. hell, it’s better than rewarding folks for being power-hungry or good-looking and haughty or rich. come on, who’s with me? (liz i know you are …)