this is courtesy of william and kat:

Full name: ester sarah bloom

Name of school: swarthmore college

How often do you check your email: like five times a day.

Color of eyes: someone once said honey

Hair: auburn. this is very important to me. it makes baby jesus cry when someone dismisses my hair as brown.

Height: 5’1.5″

Zodiac sign: cancer but close enuf to leo that i don’t make any sense (the two are opposites) **is this ridiculous stuff important to me? clearly, yes.

Have you ever…

Gotten drunk: yup

Gone out wearing your PJ’s: yup — spent a whole day in them once in cty. horrified becca, i’m sure.

Missed school because of rain: my mom believed in mental health days. and senior year, i didn’t even need a reason

Kept a secret from everyone: yup. on the other hand, yesterday i was praised for my “emotional honesty”.

Had a crush on a teacher: kind of. my face turned red when i spoke in his class and he appeared in my dreams sometimes. he also seemed particularly awkward around me. at the end of the year, i gave him a rutabaga wrapped in purple ribbon.

Been on stage: hell yes. i’ve gotten much more timid in my old age, but i used to get a thrill like nothing else walking out in front of an audience.


Shampoo + conditioner: herbal essences (despite the warning someone gave recently that it makes one’s hair fall out) (??)

Town to chill: amsterdam

Cereal: kellogs 19s. the box alone serves as a comfort object.

TV shows: simpsons, sopranos

Movies: gaa, too broad. pulp fiction, fight club, being john malkovich, all that jazz, high fidelity, terms of endearment, chinatown, shawshank redemption, empire records …

Scent: french vanilla; hazelnut

Musicians: ani, tori, alanis, bjork, joni, aimee, jill (it’s like listing smurfs!)

Favorite person to talk to online: michael

First crush: noel airman

What is on your walls: pictures of my friends; sentimentalia; a cool collage my oldest friend’s little sister’s friend made

Ever been skinny dipping: yup

Worst feeling: depression + headache + nausea

Best feeling: having great recent memories and continuing to do things that will produce more

Word or phrase overuse: bite me; your mom. i’m such a kid.

Get along with parents: really well

What are you wearing right now: dark blue shirt from mustard seed over magenta express tank top; jeans; poland socks; docs; my hair down

Are you lonely: oddly, never when i’m blogging

Last 24 Hours…

Been mean: probably. i’m in the process of testing limits w/ people. also i was w/ liz h. this morning

Been sarcastic: see above

Met someone new: kinda —

First thing you thought this morning: i violently didn’t want to wake up, which doesn’t often happen to me

In the future…

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: hopefully in some small-but-cool city on the east coast, writing, w/ a close group of friends, a decent amount of optomism, a college degree, a job, and perhaps a PLTSO

Future son’s name: jake or zev

Future daughter’s name: eleanor, dorothy, morgan, lily, or daria

Where do you want to live when you get married: in a small-but-cool city on the east coast somewhere near my parents

When was the last time you…

Went to the beach at night: in n. carolina w/ lana this past summer

Spent some quality time with yourself: lunch. i finally caught up w/ my real notebook — i hadn’t written substantially in a couple days.

Read a book for fun: stayed up til 2:30 last nite rereading Goblet of Fire

Believed in yourself: oh for god’s sake

there was more sappy stuff that i edited out but that last i just had to leave in. happy new week, everybody.

happy november 19 geoff, if you’re reading this. happy wednesday-before-thanksgiving, ben, if you’re reading this. gee, what a historically significant week this is for me …

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