last nite i was so enthralled to return home to a computer in my room that i could use to surf the net that i started playing around w/ webdesign. i was rusty, having not touched the stuff since september, and before i knew it three hours had passed. the evidence doesn’t reflect the time put into it, i know, but i was just getting reacclimated.

following that, ross recruited becca and me to work on the invitations for the party sat. nite. after all the disagreements and ruffled fur got smoothed, we ended up using two pictures: one of me kissing the blow-up doll annie got me for my birthday, and another of rebecca and joel posing the toy liz got me for the same occasion. (well, technically, for lonlier occasions than those, but whatever.) the caption reads “life is lonely at the barn …”

it’s pretty funny, i think it looks good, and last nite we were up til three printing them out, writing names — i must have addressed 25 or so to people i wouldn’t recognize and more to a lot of folks i would only smile to in passing. it kept striking me how funny it is to be sending bizarre photos of yrself to strangers; then again, is it much weirder than allowing those same folks to read about yr life in a webjournal? — putting stickers and cute messages on them. this morning ross and i rose early to stuff mailboxes before class. talk about initiative.

my prof sat next to me in polisci thru the first group presentation. he asked if i was a senior b/c i had “the senior confidence.” i admitted i was not, and he said, “well, maybe it’s b/c you write those reviews.” later after my group presented he told me we were excellent.

quite flattered, i ran down to meet joel and our film prof for lunch. joel has been taking a bunch of his profs to lunch in our dining hall recently but this was my first time along w/ him, and actually we had a lot of fun, remaining way past the time when normal people left (dining services folks appeared to pry our trays away.) we talked movies of course, and childhood and television and differences b/w europe and america. finally we walked back upcampus together w/ soft-serve cones, discussing gender issues in film and brainstorming women who are portrayed as smart, funny, and sexy.

bottom line: it’s been a lovely day so far. i could even presume to say, perhaps, the beginning of a lovely weekend.

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