i should be working on my documentary research for one of three group projects i have due this week. luckily such things require less individual shit to shoulder than having papers or midterms, so having these in bulk doesn’t seem to be as stressful.

last nite, rebecca’s mom took rebecca, the two other barnies, stefanie and me to an italian place for dinner. choosing locales is always more frustrating than it needs to be. my only preference is always “please not chinese” altho often that’s what ends up happening. in this case my wish was honored. stef, becca, and i shared vegan pizza (i love how waiters no longer react when you say, “i’d like the 79, only no ham and no cheese”) and the table discussed how views of sex and sexuality are different now than they used to be.

stef ross and i returned to the barn to hypothesize about bob dylan — i boldly put out the opinion that straight men and straight women like dylan b/c they find him sexy in a very heterosexual way, and that accounts for what i perceive to be his smaller popularity in queer circles; ross and stef were skeptical — and rehash old love stories. then we went to elizabeth’s Simpsons premiere party, crowded primarily with staunch supporters who laughed at every joke. elizabeth and i sat next to each other, agreeing quietly that the show is about half as good as it was at its peak. still, it’s almost the only tv worth watching.

gradually the thirty or so folks there (ross called them “nonthreatening”) dispersed, leaving the co|mo girls to finish the leftover food and meet. afterwards, sorelle, stef and i convened in the hallway, joined by elizabeth’s roommates w/ whom i’ve never had substantial interaction, to discuss body image, weight, Weight Watchers, and our parents’ relationships to each other and to us. one specific question: why do people we’re not close to feel the right to comment to us on how we look? … open informative and caring but my headache got stronger around 11 and i had to excuse myself to go back home, knock back some NyQuil, and call it a weekend.

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