shit i’m in a hurry. but quickly:

1) lana made vagina monologues!! oh happiness, oh joy

2) heading off into the city to see angels and an ecstatic tho exhausted becca who says this is the best production ever put on of anything ever (and you know she’s right 78% of the time)

3) why is this my second numbered list in a row? sheisse

4) ben’s sick and he’s djing the party tomorrow nite — which is not so good — but his links page kicks ass: check it out. and he’s not too bad either.

5) it’s a beautiful day

6) had a fun lunch w/ mariah

and, well, yeah. i feel better. i’ve felt better since yesterday afternoon. i’ll bet i can make it a full day of good feeling — hell, maybe two! my mom fedexed me my prom dress and she has now told me i’m special in 50 different ways, thru email, in writing, and over the phone, and see 5) and see 1) and see 6) and see 2) and 7) i’m going to copenhagen (well, w/ any luck) and everything’s going to be fine. no really. it is.

oh! and if anyone’s interested in joining me at the new coens brothers movie, the man who wasn’t there, at the ritz 5 at 214 walnut at 12:30 tomorrow afternoon, i’d welcome the company. or you could just send mental warmth or something; that’d work too.

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