my week essentially ended yesterday. classes feel like an afterthought, like “oh yeah, i guess i should go do that …,” not particularly important. i don’t have huge weights on my mind. yet i’m still sweating and getting headaches which vary in position (so i know that they’re not signals of oncoming migranes, thank god) intensity and type of pain. the worst ones hit yesterday morning while i was struggling blearily to make it thru Murder!: the pain was extremely sharp, about the width and height of a coin slot, and located unusually on the middle-top of my head.

anyway, they’re just aftershocks i expect and will eventually fade out. i just sat w/ stefanie for about twenty minutes while she was trying to finish up three things before running to catch a train. as frazzled as she was, she also made excellent company. i find it easier to be a good person — think the thoughts a good person would think — around her. maybe her goodness is contagious. that’s not what makes her fun, of course, per se; but it adds a deeper element to the cheery-goodhumored-warmth everyone loves her for.

before that, i hung out w/ rosa at the study abroad office and hung out w/ ben (time w/ him! during the day! incredible) during which i babbled about how things shouldn’t be “reduced to science.” i mean, wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to know how things worked? we could just marvel at zippers or television; we could live in a perpetual state of awe. or make up myths that we didn’t really believe in but which served to comfort those who needed to know and entertain everyone else.

i alarmed my mother by not being coherent last nite. i guess i should just go to sleep before i do more damage. the strangest dreams keep plaguing me tho: last nite i dreamt i was in a fairy tale. seven other girls and i sat around a wooden table and each had one specific complaint she kept harping on. i don’t remember what mine was but i started pulling my hair out. i had this thick glossy black hair that fell halfway down my back and when i looked down after a certain point, i saw what must have been most of it in a sad-looking pile on the floor.

my friend ari wrote a really sharp, funny entry yesterday. as i’m too near braindead to do any independent thinking, i’m going to urge you over to him. i myself got 2 hours from sleep last nite, between 6 and 8 a.m. i flunked my stat midterm early, left the room in a daze but ran into elizabeth and bridget who for my amusement played an ultracompetitive game of tic tac toe glaring across the table at each other and never looking down at the board. also they’re witty, which helps.

i went home to be further comforted by ben who was serendipitously at the barn when i arrived, ready to hug me and tell me it’s all going to be okay. (i think cliches exist specifically for times of stress) ross and i kept each other functional through the nite, brainstorming ideas, reviewing each other’s drafts, suggesting corrections, mindlessly transferring popcorn, chocolate, and edamame from fingers to mouths. rebecca came home late, laid herself facedown on the common room floor in a position that looked like she’d landed from a fall, and stayed that way for a while. joel, the only one of us who seemed not to have a workload, tried to soothe.

anyway, it’s better from here on out. i keep discovering more reasons why i should/need to stay on campus this weekend so i’m somewhat turn. mckeownlanajamienomi tho is a strong pull ….

listening to beth orton, shoulder muscles so tight i feel like invisible fists have dug into my skin and grabbed, determined to hold fast, about to go take my 2nd stat midterm and miss my film class, and when i’m done to go see/review/preview/fuckthemallwriteareviewofHarryPotter for the phoenix but first maybe grab dinner at kohlberg — have to eat something — altho it won’t be as nice as my impromptu sharples lunch where the girls i happened upon bought me food so i could sit w/ them while they discussed SQU, leading me to wonder how it came to pass that my female friends right now are queer[friendly]. spent much time poring over Murder! documents w/ ross, reading bits aloud in funny voices and laughing. it’ll be less funny when i finally get home and finish the review/preview/fuckthemallreviewofHarryPotter (estimate 12) and roll up my sleeves to start writing. must finish and have printed out by 9 a.m. ohdearohdear.

i spoke too soon. not long after i started playing w/ the template once it was fixed, i discovered that netscape’s interpretation was smugly, inexplicably fucked up. i’d been in a good mood up to that point — that soured it. i deserved it tho really: i should have been working on Murder! rather than my dumbass website. with some effort i forced myself to leave the screen for the page and made an outline and emailed it to the prof, asking for an okay. (desperate for approval? me? go on.) conflicting opinions from my editor of the phoenix, who wants me to write a review of a student production on campus, and the director of said production who would really rather i didn’t. meanwhile i’m sulky b/c i just want to write my review of harry potter.

frustrating/boring stat review session (midterm tomorrow for which i have to miss a film screening that i can’t make up because the films are on 16mm); a semi-cathartic scream w/ sarah k.; and home to miso soup and tempura. the worst thing, hands down, about moving back onto campus will be missing the food my flatmates cook. ah well.

going home this weekend (right? right?) to see ms. mckeown and ms. warner in concert. that will be relaxing. two people whose online journals i checked had private entries today. [“what’s with today today?”] i’ve torn a lot of hair out. i barely notice til i look down and see hair like shrubs growing out of cracks in a wall. i wonder whether other people think i’m weird, constantly tugging at, straightening or curling my hair. i wonder if i would be so fixated if my hair were short or straight. i wonder whether everyone’s kind of tired of skool at this point or whether it just happens to be the folks i spend time w/ and/or read on the net.

thanks to rabi, i finally fixed this page so that it looks the way god intended on netscape. i can’t vouch for the other way-too-sophisticated browsers (opera? what?); i was quite pleased just to see that it worked on the conventional ones.

last nite i read over the poem i wrote in vermont and decided i still liked it. an achievement of sorts since i haven’t written many things this semester whose appeal endured beyond the original few minutes of composition. in celebration of bucking the trend i give you:


snow white’s stepmother ordered snow white’s

heart, raw and chapped as a February morning,

then sat, with a glint in her eye like headlights

off of February ice on an unexpected mountain turn,

and ate it. I always admired that bit

of cannibalistic competence: there, i thought,

is a woman who gets things done. i imagined

the step-daughter’s heart beating down

the door of the step-mother’s throat. (Disney doctors,

as though playing Operation, plucked that scene

from the movie. Made it that much less Grimm.)

I like to think of the evil queen for a moment

playing hostess to two hearts — minor and major cords

in clashing keys — sick with the pounding, desperate

not to regurgitate the essence of her enemy all

over the kitchen floor and give herself away.

i don’t recall what inspired it. of course it’s still rough; feel free to advise.

marc suggested the color. i’m sitting w/ him now in his dorm in the lull b/w dinner (for which rob joined us, offering buddha-like advice) and co|motion (ross calls them “commies”: damn catchy and a pun to boot). i spent nearly the whole day w/ ross for the first time in a while, working on our latest Murder! assignment. he surprised me relatively early while i was still in my crazy pajamas. i went to sleep late after one extensive conversation w/ lana and another w/ ben. the latter ended only b/c the batteries on my phone died.

nori suggested, in response to the previous entry, that perhaps she’ll never get married and she doesn’t feel there’s anything wrong w/ that. got me thinking a little. it’s assumed that people factor marriage into their life-plans, if not make marriage their goal. why do countless movies and books end either at or two-steps before the altar? because it’s the pinnacle of achievement? or because nothing interesting happens thereafter?

hmm. do most kids this age (help me out, kids) fantasize about their wedding day? i just realized i never have. for one thing, i don’t look good in white …

oh so much. i’m back at the barn, deposited here by parents who took a cursory look around my apartment and sped off home. we drove all day, making it from my grandparents’ house in manchester back here in about 6 hrs, with stops; they still have another couple hours to go. considering the state we were in when we left i was scared we wouldn’t make it to new york. (my brother lost one of his case logics in packing — he thinks he placed it momentarily atop the car and then forgot about it. he and then the rest of us beachcombed the stretch of street b/w the motel, where he was packing, and my grandparents’ house, for it, to no avail. all his dvds and a number of cds it would give you a heart-attack to mention! i’d cry.)

eventually he went, taking my oldest cousin w/ him. they go to skool w/in an hour of each other so they always carpool to thanksgivings. my cousin is a film major; so it’s funny to go to family events b/c all questions about the subject and such are posed to him. he was surprised to hear that i was planning to minor in it. i’m the only girl cousin out of six. the boys range from standing six-inches-taller than i to a foot or so taller and have changed little otherwise since i’ve known them. they’re very polite to me, occasionally stooping to joke about my “veganism,” leftism/pacifism, or feminism. it’s pointless to correct them — i’m accused of not having a sense of humor about myself.

friday i went shopping w/ my mother, my aunt marge (the mother of my cousins who shares a name w/ my mother) and my aunt jane (her lovely never-married manhattanite sister). it was nice to get a break from the cloistered family feeling. everyone from my grandparents down to my little brother is a supervisor: we’re constantly looking over each others’ shoulders, asking what’s up and suggesting better ways to do things. when we’re not micromanaging each other’s affairs, we’re arguing politics/listening to my father lecture; reading new yorkers, newsweeks and sections of the new york times (or books,) sleeping, playing scrabble, watching cnn, or, in the case of the boys, playing video games downstairs. everyone otherwise in sight of everyone else. i read most of truman capote’s in cold blood and started interpreter of maladies, which nearly made me cry. i answered “why copenhagen?” about 25 times, and “how’s ben?” another 20. i tried not to miss the internet or snap at family members. for the most part i was successful.

i had weird-ass dreams tho. the first was that it turned out i was ten years older than i’d realized. amnesia had wiped my memory of giving birth to dan blim (he’s a senior here). in some hazy way, matt rubin was involved and i had definite negative feelings about the whole thing. in the dream i thought, “oh, so that explains it.” in the second dream, my bedroom was converted into an unused room in the top corner of a skool building. quite depressing.

on the more positive sleep front, i bought wonderfully comfortably warm bright red fleece pajamas. my cousin jeff upon seeing me model them called me mrs. claus. my dad compared it to a shador — all i needed was a veil. i think the outfit resembles a sari; clearly it’s up for interpretation. anyway i slept in them the last nite and had no bad dreams.

now i’m back at the barn, alone again, tho i talked to lana for over an hour and then briefly liz. maybe i’ll slip into my pajamas. maybe no harm can come to me in them.

doesn’t take much to make a good day (or should that be, to make a day good?) possible ingredients: leaving your last class pre-break. hearing the foreign study coordinator whisper “you’re in.” lunching w/ stefanie, maria, ben, sorelle, rebecca briefly / sarah k. blocking the hallway saying an extended goodbye. going upstairs to eliz’s room w/ sorelle. laughter. kohlberg chai. reading vagina monologues in sorelle’s room. helping maria make her love mix. watching cat on a hot tin roof w/ lodge 4 girls. saying an extended hello.

i’m sortof in the midst of packing. ma famille should be arriving soon in our new *shudder* SUV. they keep calling and saying it’ll be later. whatever. i hope i can do laundry up in vermont. and that the holiday won’t be stressful.

happy thanksgiving everyone (as sarah c. put it, “happy turkey, or vegan substitute”)

this is courtesy of william and kat:

Full name: ester sarah bloom

Name of school: swarthmore college

How often do you check your email: like five times a day.

Color of eyes: someone once said honey

Hair: auburn. this is very important to me. it makes baby jesus cry when someone dismisses my hair as brown.

Height: 5’1.5″

Zodiac sign: cancer but close enuf to leo that i don’t make any sense (the two are opposites) **is this ridiculous stuff important to me? clearly, yes.

Have you ever…

Gotten drunk: yup

Gone out wearing your PJ’s: yup — spent a whole day in them once in cty. horrified becca, i’m sure.

Missed school because of rain: my mom believed in mental health days. and senior year, i didn’t even need a reason

Kept a secret from everyone: yup. on the other hand, yesterday i was praised for my “emotional honesty”.

Had a crush on a teacher: kind of. my face turned red when i spoke in his class and he appeared in my dreams sometimes. he also seemed particularly awkward around me. at the end of the year, i gave him a rutabaga wrapped in purple ribbon.

Been on stage: hell yes. i’ve gotten much more timid in my old age, but i used to get a thrill like nothing else walking out in front of an audience.


Shampoo + conditioner: herbal essences (despite the warning someone gave recently that it makes one’s hair fall out) (??)

Town to chill: amsterdam

Cereal: kellogs 19s. the box alone serves as a comfort object.

TV shows: simpsons, sopranos

Movies: gaa, too broad. pulp fiction, fight club, being john malkovich, all that jazz, high fidelity, terms of endearment, chinatown, shawshank redemption, empire records …

Scent: french vanilla; hazelnut

Musicians: ani, tori, alanis, bjork, joni, aimee, jill (it’s like listing smurfs!)

Favorite person to talk to online: michael

First crush: noel airman

What is on your walls: pictures of my friends; sentimentalia; a cool collage my oldest friend’s little sister’s friend made

Ever been skinny dipping: yup

Worst feeling: depression + headache + nausea

Best feeling: having great recent memories and continuing to do things that will produce more

Word or phrase overuse: bite me; your mom. i’m such a kid.

Get along with parents: really well

What are you wearing right now: dark blue shirt from mustard seed over magenta express tank top; jeans; poland socks; docs; my hair down

Are you lonely: oddly, never when i’m blogging

Last 24 Hours…

Been mean: probably. i’m in the process of testing limits w/ people. also i was w/ liz h. this morning

Been sarcastic: see above

Met someone new: kinda —

First thing you thought this morning: i violently didn’t want to wake up, which doesn’t often happen to me

In the future…

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: hopefully in some small-but-cool city on the east coast, writing, w/ a close group of friends, a decent amount of optomism, a college degree, a job, and perhaps a PLTSO

Future son’s name: jake or zev

Future daughter’s name: eleanor, dorothy, morgan, lily, or daria

Where do you want to live when you get married: in a small-but-cool city on the east coast somewhere near my parents

When was the last time you…

Went to the beach at night: in n. carolina w/ lana this past summer

Spent some quality time with yourself: lunch. i finally caught up w/ my real notebook — i hadn’t written substantially in a couple days.

Read a book for fun: stayed up til 2:30 last nite rereading Goblet of Fire

Believed in yourself: oh for god’s sake

there was more sappy stuff that i edited out but that last i just had to leave in. happy new week, everybody.

happy november 19 geoff, if you’re reading this. happy wednesday-before-thanksgiving, ben, if you’re reading this. gee, what a historically significant week this is for me …