working w/ sorelle cheered me immensely. she was frazzled to but we had to get this thing done so we both put our frazzlement out of mind. somehow it worked and we a) finished and b) had fun.

at the subsequent group meeting, for which a whopping two other girls of the eight showed, we chatted more, then went, at sarah’s suggestion, to the top of parrish to scream. apparently everyone is having a stressful time of it. at first the sunset was so pretty — a peach baseboard on the deep blue sky — that all we did was “aww…” but then we recollected what we’d come up there for. “aww” became “argghhhhhhhh!” to our infinite satisfaction. then we went back inside.

apple picking tomorrow. whooo fun. then sat. nite, an eddie from ohio concert at bryn mawr. lana has already expressed jealousy.

read thru half of harry potter III in the library; took it out unashamedly to read more. it relaxes me, what can i say?

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